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Foreclosure-Defense Attorney in New Hampshire and Massachusetts

Foreclosure Defense

It is said that a man’s home is his castle. I understand this sentiment well: In 2004 my wife and I bought a centuries-old farmhouse in Hollis, New Hampshire, a lovely town where we have reared our three sons and still reside. As charming as this plain white Cape is, owning this home has presented us with challenges. The most obvious one is caring for it. When a house is 200 years old, things have a tendency to break. I’m now very good at fixing things.

The other is paying for it. We bought the house when the housing market was red-hot and my income great; we carried it, at great financial cost, through the dark days of the Great Recession, when its value went underwater and I was unemployed. Through all this, my wife and I hammered, sanded, wired, landscaped, painted, and, most important, paid — every month. So I understand well the anxiety a homeowner feels when told that the bank will foreclose on his home.

The aim of my legal practice is to help you resist the bank’s attempt to force you from your home. Using the tools of the law and my research and negotiating skills, I will do my best to help you stay in your home. I have done it for other homeowners and can do it for you.

I also recognize that this goal is sometimes impractical, for a variety of reasons. If leaving your home is necessary, I can nonetheless help you depart on your own schedule. Sometimes this involves a bankruptcy filing; sometimes just some hard-nosed negotiating. I’m very good at getting agreeable results for my clients.

If this is where you find yourself, please give me a call. Give me a chance to help you.

Stay in Your Home